Tae Kwon Do
MMA - Mixed Martial Arts
MMA - Mixed Martial ARts
Taekwondo is also thought to improve children’s concentration in their study and it can help build not only physical but also their Mental Wellbeing.
Also, all our student learn and exercise a self-defence martial arts to protect themselves from the dangers, Self-defence skill is now becoming more important for everyday life.
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Felipe Morais

Master Kim
Owner and Chief Instructor

Dong Hee Han

Master Kim
Owner and Chief Instructor

Felipe Morais

Dong Hee Han
It has been amazing to see how much Maddy has progressed in taekwondo, even during lockdown. She really enjoys the lessons which she finds fun and very engaging. Taekwondo has kept her fit and healthy both mentally and physically, with the added benefit of learning an incredible new set of skills in martial arts, which I have no doubt will serve her well in the future.
I'm very grateful for the day she went for a trial lesson as it was the beginning of a great and important learning journey for her.
Mar 2021
My son was a kind of boy that was scared of new environment and always attached to me, but from the start of Taekwondo, he gradually developed his self-reliance and became confident that he could do well on his own. In addition, he improved his basic physical strength by doing taekwondo, a full-body exercise, and developed leadership by helping younger children and beginners during class.
Grace Cho
Grace Cho
Since Diogo has joined Wild Tiger Taekwondo he has grown tremendously. He is very devoted to Taekwondo and attends classes 2 times a week. He has a more positive attitude He has made many friends at Wild Tiger Taekwondo He is more physically fit and has more energy He is more confident. He does well in school academically and socially Putting Diogo in Taekwondo has been one of the best decisions we have made as parents. We have watched him excel and grow. He started from dreaming being a Ninja Warriors and Master, but that dream, come true when he started in Taekwondo (5 years old) and with all the ups and down he didn’t stop, his perseverance continue the journey in Taekwondo. When corona virus hit the world badly and lockdown implemented. An online class was a huge help to continue the learning and fit despite of world situation. Thank you so much for your guidance, dedication and enthusiasm in teaching [our son] Taekwondo we are lucky to have you! Nerissa Ranay Rodrigues Diogo Mother The thing I like best about Taekwondo is that it has taught me to NEVER GIVE UP!! Diogo Ranay Rodrigues
This is truly a privilege for my son to be taught TKD by Master Kim. A very welcoming environment and a very high standard of teaching with life values at the centre of the lessons.
Christophe Maury
From your first visit to the club, Master Kim is welcoming you as you were part of a family. His knowledge, patience, values and expertise have made a great impression straightway on my teenage daughter and myself.My husband and I have 3 daughters and we felt they needed to know how to defend themselves. Just after enrolling my oldest in September 2018 we have decided to enrol our middle one which has since developed a love for this sport.One of the thing we like is there is no competitive attitude and each child is challenging himself to pass the next grading if ready. The lessons are well planned, fun and varied and the level of expertise is outstanding. All the instructors are keen to share their wealth of knowledge and experience. My middle one has decided to be part of the last MMA championship online during the lockdown and was really pleased by the experience.Another great thing about the club is the junior instructors- as they are simply amazing.My daughters’ confidence has grown so much as the instructors are patient and tenacious, ensuring the students excel at their own pace. They are also great good role models for the children, both professional and knowledgeable: the kids respect them and love them.I highly recommend this club to anyone who is looking to take up a martial art and wants to be part of a fantastic club.I have decided to join the club myself and I look forward being being part of not only a club but a family.
Christine Kourde
My daughter started learning TaeKwondo with Master Kim when she turned 5. Although she was nervous about starting martial arts, we were immediately put at ease by Master Kim’s calm and approachable demeanour. The mixed ability classes for children were fairly relaxed and allow children to develop at their own pace. Not only did she enjoy her first class, she fell in love with it and started looking forward to her weekly lessons. She is 10 now, and has gained a lot of confidence, made friends, learnt discipline and self control through her training with W Tigers. She has achieved her black belt and is working towards her second Dan. Under Master Kim’s coaching and guidance, she has also gone on to win several medals and awards in TaeKwondo competitions across the country and at national level. Personally I have been very impressed with Master Kim’s immense knowledge and high level of skill not just in TaeKwondo but also other martial arts like Hapkido and kick boxing. Despite being so good at what he does, he remains very humble and down to earth. I took up TaeKwondo training with W Tigers 3 years ago as I wanted to improve my flexibility and fitness. I have thoroughly enjoyed training with Master Kim and am constantly learning from him. More recently my son who is 5 now has also begun his TaeKwondo training and he absolutely loves it. Like his sister, he too is thriving at W Tigers. Not only is it a fun and safe environment but Master Kim and his assistants are friendly and welcoming too. I would fully recommend W Tigers to anyone wishing to try out TaeKwondo lessons for their children.
Samir Gosrani
We joined Wild Tigers TKD two years ago and its has been a lovely experience for both my children and me! Master Kim is an excellent master instructor and we have learned so much while having fun at the same time. During live classes he has a great team of Black-Belt instructors to help him out which makes the classes run smoothly and efficiently.
In his classes, children learn also very important values such as discipline, respect, perseverance, courage, and more. Taekwondo classes at Wild Tigers have the perfect balance of fun and discipline and cover many areas such as self-defence, weapons training, patterns training and gymnastics.
I recommend Wild Tigers Taekwondo to anyone who want to live their old dream of practicing a martial art (like myself!) and to all children, especially those who need to gain more self-confidence.
Lucia Cortesao
Master Kim and the other Masters are all very good. Their friendly and tolerant approach towards my child is very much applauded by my partner and I. Our child looks forward to all his training sessions as they are action packed and heblearns something new everytime. He has grown in confidence, not only whilst doing Taekwondo but in all other aspects as well. He knows if he can do well at Taekwondo, he can do well at soon many other things, and And he learns something new everytime.
Aydin's Dad
Yusuf and Yakub have been going to WTigers Taekwondo for a few years now and both love the class with Master Kim and other teaching assistants. WTigers provides invaluable experiences and techniques that are passed down from Master Kim to our sons and other participants. All sessions are fun, well structured and very focused.Our kids enjoy grading tests and various competitions such as most recent one - KMAMA online competition, all which motivates them and give them purpose to better themselves. The club is very supportive, welcoming and everyone is easy to communicate with. We think Taekwondo gives our kids more confidence, fitness and teaches them resilience. Our little girl who is only 4 is already trying to also practice and will be joining her brothers soon.
Martial arts along with it’s five fundamental spirits has allowed me to develop a variety off skills from with in me. Not only have I been able to gain a better sense of control over my body and mind, but through every obstacle I tackle and new ways I learn to defend myself I have being able to feel a sense of achievement which has only made me believe more and more in myself.
Elsa Morais